Wednesday, October 03, 2007


What a weekend and now what a week. This is what I've been up to:

  • Saturday
  • ~ Soccer game @ 11:00 & 2:40 in a different town 45 minutes away
  • ~ Help Host friends 40th b-day party
  • ~ Make pasta dish, pick up balloons, remember cake, wine, mask supplies and gift. Pick up sister in law and head to party.
  • ~Get home at 1:15 am
  • ~ I fell flat on my back at my friends party (I think I slipped on a really fine feather that we were using for our masks we made) and was I laughing so hard. I was okay until my friends go to pick me up and instead I go in a circle sliding all the way into a wood bench and hit the back of my ear. So now it looks like I have a huge hickey (sp?) there so of course my husband thinks it's funny. It felt a little bit like I was trying to break dance while my friends were trying to pick me up. It's to bad we didn't record any of this cause I think we could have won some cash on America's Funniest Videos. Gosh, my friend must have just waxed those darn wood floors of hers.
  • Sunday
  • ~Wash soccer uniform from day before (cause the husband forgot to)
  • ~ Soccer game at 9:30 again 45 minutes away have to be there an hour before game, yuck!
  • ~Make dinner and clean up.
  • ~Take nap cause I'm grouchy!!! (mind you I hardly ever take a nap) woke up then went to bed at 8:30
  • Monday
  • ~Older daughter wakes me up at 5:11 because she has a bump on her neck and also had another episode in which she turns as white as a sheet, sweats, feels like she is going to pass out and feels nauseous.
  • ~Take her to the doctor; appointment is at 11:30 and we don't get home until 4:30. Has lots of blood work and antibiotics for her throat infection. Get blood test results on Thursday.
  • ~Find out the pictures I took at the party are not showing up when I upload onto my computer!!! Argh....
  • Tuesday
  • ~Wake up at 4:30 a.m. cause the husband has to travel again was gone last week to Vegas on business. Of course I can't get back to bed cause I'm one of those once I wake up I can't fall asleep again.
  • ~Pick up bike I had tuned up
  • ~Grocery shopping
  • ~Laundry
  • ~Go through piles of paper, where does this paper come from? Geesh stop sending me crap people.
  • Wednesday
  • ~Zombie......doing house-work....trying not to fall much to do!!!!!
  • ~My email is not working properly....Sh*t. Called no call back yet.
  • ~Still need to figure out when I'm going to Hawaii to buy furniture etc. for the condo we purchased along with our friend. Oh, did I tell you I hate to fly??!!?? People are already starting to show an interest in renting over the holidays which is great but we have lots to do when the original owners move out (they have been living in the condo while waiting for their house to be built) at the end of the month.
  • ~Well gotta go pick up youngest daughter from school then it's homework, tutoring, dinner, finish laundry, and if that wasn't enough the puppy (not so puppy she's 10 months old) peed on the floor and guess who walked in it?? Yea, me, what do you know....

I promise my next blog entry will be a happy one. Kicking Dirt

1 comment:

Michelle Quinno said...

OMG, Jules!!! That's horrible-most of it anyway! I would have been laughing to hard to help you up. I'm evil.

I wonder if your body is trying to tell you something. Maybe you have a virus and that's why you're so tired.

As far as mail goes, I do this before I do anything else when I get home from work. That way it doesn't pile up.

Hope you have a good weekend and thanks for your nice comments!